
Inseperable Jan 24 - March 7, 2013

My exhibition Inseparable will have a closing reception to coincide with my convocation presentation titled 'From Rentals to Prisons to Plantation houses'. A big thanks to Brie Castell, Joe Champagne and all the folks at Virginia Intermont College in Bristol Virginia for the opportunity to speak in the Convocation series of events! 



Inseparable. Jan 24 to March 7 2013, Virginia Intermont College

Fine arts gallery at Virginia Intermont College will host my work in an exhibition which runs from Jan 24th through March 7, 2013. Thanks to Joe Champagne, Brie Castell and the crew at Virginia Intermont and I'm looking forward to meeting the photography students. 






Double Vision and  Bloodline series will make up my new show, Inseparable. This photography show will be at the Fine Arts Gallery at Virginia Intermont College in Bristol VA. The show entwines two states and planes of time.  



4 shows in open in the first week of November: Best in Show for the Upheaval exhibition!

I've been busy and fortunate to be included in 4 shows in the first week of November. Over 4 states; Maryland, New Jersey, Vermont and Virginia 

National Juried Photography Exhibition, Curator William F. Stapp, The Delaplaine Visual Art Education Centre, Frederick, MD, USA

A Path Home; Visualizing Trauma and Healing, Jersey City University Gallery, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Upheaval, Curator Brie Castell, Target Gallery at the Torpedo Factory, Alexandria, VA, USA

Mirrors and Windows, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT, USA


Bombs Away Dream Baby (Red, White and Blue), Bloodlines 2012, Outsider 2012 and Untitled #1 from the Double Vision series, and Rage are all in exhibitions. I am extremely excited!



Untitled #8 from the Double Vision series 

My work, Untitled #8 from the Double Vision series is the basis of a paper written by the Reverend Doug Tanner from the Faith and Politics Institute in Washington DC. I shall be posting an excerpt of the paper when I recieve it. The mission of the Faith and Politics Insitute includes the following,

"The Faith & Politics Institute is an agent for change: from leadership that is externally focused to integrated leadership that incorporates spiritual practices and beliefs; from racial division and the exploitation of racial divides in electoral politics to racial reconciliation and dialogue; from bitter partisanship to civility and engagement. The Institute does more than create safe spaces for dialogue; it takes strategic steps to promote leadership that will have a positive impact on the tone and effectiveness of Congress, and through the Congress, the nation."

This statement and more is found on the website for the Faith and Politics Insitute of Washington, DC.

Their mission statement reads: "The Faith & Politics Institute advances reflective leadership among members of Congress and congressional staff to bridge the divides that arise in a thriving democracy."


Untitled #8 from the Double Vision series, 2011.